Oh, and along the way, you can see the enticing wonders of Subway, Taco Bell, FIREWORKS IN 4398745 MILES, casinos, car dealerships, Meijer, Denny's, and the list goes on-and-on.
I'm talking about billboards. Those ever-present, every quarter-mile part of the natual landscape. But thanks to the State Legislature and the Groovy Guv, the Weed-B-Gone has been sprayed on these eyesores.
Over 14,000 billboards exist in Michigan, but starting in the rockin' 07, we can feel the winds of change:
Governor Jennifer M. Granholm today signed legislation prohibiting new billboard permits in Michigan. The laws also create new penalties for billboard permit owners who fail to properly maintain their existing billboard sites.
The laws also increase penalties and streamline administrative processes to help deter illegal advertising and failure to properly maintain sites as well as provide a consistent, statewide process to determine appropriate maintenance of billboard sites. Increased sign registration fees and late payments will provide funding for the program.
Link: Granholm Signs Legislation Permanently Capping New Billboard Permits
All this little Michiganian can say is it's about time!
Although who could ever forget this little gem?
1 comment:
dude, welcome!!!! i will add you ASAP.
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